!!! Inclusive Hotel Transfer in DAHAB !!!

Um die Grundlagen des Kitsurfens zu erlernen, sind mindestens 3 Kiteschulungssessions notwendig.

Die  GP-KITE-SURFING KiteSchulungsSessions sind als Module zu sehen und können je nach Kenntnisstand erweitert oder verkürzt werden.

Gruppenkurse - Der Fokus wird gesetzt auf : ich möchte etwas neues Erlernen oder bereits Gelerntes auffrischen.
Inhalte dieser KiteSession sind :


Kiteequipment Überblick - Windfenster - Sicherheit - Windrichtungen zum Ufer - Orientierung - Trainerkite Übungen


Tubekiteaufbau - Starten und Landen - Wasserrelauch - Kite recovery - Bodydrag Übungen


Theoretische Grundlagen - Demonstrationen - Wasserstart Übungen im Wasser


Theoretische Grundlagen - Demonstrationen - Halsen Übungen im Wasser


Theoretische Grundlagen - Demonstrationen - Halsen Übungen im Wasser


Kiteschulungs sessions je nach Bedarf - Kitemanöver und Tricks

Eine Schulungssession ist sinnvoll an einem Tag und besteht aus 2 Std Training mit einem Kitelehrer inklusive des kompletten KiteEquipments und extra Trainingszeit anschliessend.
Falls eine Privatlektion gegeben wird, verkürzt sich die Schulungszeit um eine halbe Stunde.

erste Kite Schulungs Session   : 75 €uro
zweite Kite Schulungs Session  : 75 €uro
dritte Kite Schulungs Session    : 75 Euro

Im Anschluss an die Kite Schulungs Session und zur Verbesserung der Kitesurf-Fertigkeiten beginnt das  KITE-COACHING. 




Gunnar! Greetings from Saint-Petersburg and I wanna say to you BIG THANK for your kitesurfing lessons. You are really given talent to explain things. That makes the progress for your students much easier . After your course got started it took only about 5 days, and I got able to ride free, do jibes, have a lot of real fun! There is a lot to reach for me, so hope to see you again!!! Best Wishes! Vitaliy

Chris Bodiam

Hello Gunnar. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and hope to be back next year to make the final step up onto the board. Back here in Scotland the weather is not so good and the beer is not so refreshing but its a very green and pleasant land anyway. Best wishes, Chris.

Allan Cameron

My course with Gunnar was awesome. I did have some prior kite experience, from snow kiting in New Zealand. Due to this Gunnar was more than happy to progress my kite lessons at a quicker pace and personalise the course to suit my level. Starting of with some basic theory and safety, set up, pack down etc  he made sure I knew what I was doing. We then went on to body dragging, and powering the kite and de powering. Because of my snow kiting background I was able to breeze through this (excuse the pun) and by the end of the fist day I was doing my first water starts and riding 10m 20m at a time. Day 2 everything clicked right in to place and with the techniques that gunnar had taught me I was up and riding in the correct stance and with out even knowing it I was shooting up wind and being able to turn without sinking back into the sea.  That days riding is defiantly my most memorable day kiting ever, everyone remembers there first time being able to kite surf. That afternoon gunnar kited with me and I was able to follow his tac and improve my riding technique.  Day 3, Because I was able to ride about the lagoon on my own Gunnar gave me a discount on my lessons and charged me coaching prices instead, meaning more money for the hotel bar. By the end of that day I was using a much smaller board, was able to turn a lot faster, fly the kite with one hand and do my first jumps. All in all an awesome course very quick progression and sacrificing none of the safety aspects. Gunnar introduced me to this awesome sport that I now love so much and last year I decided to become an instructor myself,  and I now enjoy being able to teach and kite all over the world. Happy riding everyone

Allan Cameron


Ciao Gunnar,
gratuliere, du hast es geschafft, dass ich nun von diesen Sport angefressen bin! Ich habe eine Hammerzeit verbracht beim Kiten und werde definitiv wieder kommen. Vielleicht habe ich ja in der Zwischenzeit geübt... Dir wünsche ich alles Gute (du Glücklicher in Dahab) und lass mal etwas von dir hören.
@ all: You are in Dahab and looking for a Kite teacher? Go to Gunnar, you gonna learn real fast and love that great sport!


Yo Gunnar!!
What can I say, Cheers for an Awsome intro to the world of kitesurfing!! Couldn't have asked for a nicer surrounding. Will deffo need to come back at some point! You have infected me with the kitesurfing bug!! Will keep you posted on my progress back here in miserable Britain! missing Paradise already! Cheers again, Ross (Scottish Ginger one!)

Copyright 2015 Gunnar Palm KiteSurfing GPKITE